اساليب التدريس المستخدمة في تدريب طلبة المرحلة الرابعة في كليات التربية وتقويمها من وجهة نظر اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية


  • سرى حميد عبد الكريم


Teaching techniques , training


The current study aimed to identify the teaching techniques employed in training fourth-stage students in education colleges and evaluate them from the perspective of faculty members. To achieve the the researcher objective , the researcher formulated the following questions: What are the techniques used in training fourth-stage students in colleges of education? How are these techniques evaluated From the point of view of faculty members? The researcher employed adescriptive approach, in light of the researcher questions, the researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of (7) items using a Likert scale according to a three-point (agree, neutral, disagree). It was presented to a group of professors who teach the subject of educational applications for the fourth stage in colleges of education for the academic year 2023-2024. In Baghdad , the study sample consisted of (75) male and female instructors .  After  statistically analyzing the data, the researcher concluded that fourth stage students have a weakness in presenting experimental lesson. Attributed to several reasons, including instructors relying on one or two teaching technique in their training of students , rather than incorporating a variety of method. Additionally, some students exhibit shyness and lack motivation when it comes to delivering a lesson in front of their peers. 




