اللغة الشعرية لنزار قباني: تجليات العنف الرمزي في السياق الاجتماعي


  • ايهاب الاخضر Université de Tunis: Institut Supérieur de l'Animation pour la Jeunesse et la Culture


Nizar Qabbani, women, violence, symbolism, poetry


Research on symbolic violence against women predominantly examines the social and psychological dimensions, often neglecting facets that, despite appearing trivial, significantly influence human behavior. Upon closer examination, these underestimated elements are pivotal in constructing the foundations of violence against women within societal contexts. An illustrative example is the role of poetry, which can subtly perpetuate symbolic violence against women, even in the literary works of poets who are ostensibly advocates for women's rights. This study employs the poetry of Nizar Qabbani as a case study, as his oeuvre reveals an underlying framework incorporating elements of symbolic violence against women. The research aims to analyze the essential components of this implicit framework, as discerned in his poetry, focusing on themes such as the portrayal of women as sources of evil, the imagery associated with female representation, and the conceptualization of female identity.




