مراجعة كتاب‎:‎‏"خير الدين حسيب، مستقبل الأمة العربية: التحديات والخيارات"‏


  • عزيز محمود العصا


This paper aims to discuss and analyze the final report of the Arab World Foresight Project extending from 1988 to 2015. It came out as a comprehensive study on the future of the Arab World where alternatives are introduced to confront the political, social and economic challenges. The paper also highlighted  a theoretical framework in which the researcher reviewed the term and concept of the future, the concept of time and strategic planning, in an attempt to answer the pressing question, “Why is there a desperate need to anticipate the future especially that of the Arab world which is the topic of this study.

​ The paper dealt with what was stated in the report and drafted by a group of Arab scholars which  included four sections: 1) Epistemological and methodological considerations. 2) Past, present, and global and regional prospects. 3) Perspectives  of the Arab future along with corresponding policies mechanisms of change. 4) Bridges to the future. The paper also discussed the different scenarios described in this study  as compared to the reality of the situation. The study failed to predict some major events such as the collapse of the Soviet Union. The paper ended with a number of recommendations, the most important of which was: making this study as a baseline  for future studies pertaining to the Arab world.




